MEET JOLIE: Sending Mail That Matters

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Meet Jolie Gray, a wife and mother striving to live every day loving Jesus and sharing His grace with others. In 2014 her desire to ‘do something’ grew into what is now Purpose Box, the mail subscription box that gives back.

So oftentimes, people see a need or have an idea and then decide to do something about it, but that’s not exactly your story. Can you tell us more about how your desire to do something led to the creation of Purpose Box?

I started with a feeling that something was stirring. God often preps me for life changes in small ways that add up; after the build, He lays it on me. Purpose Box was literally started in a moment on the way home from the beach. My love for packages in the mail was married with my love of being generous and wanting to support others the best way I can.


So the mail comes, and yay! Someone has received a Purpose Box. What do you hope happens next?

I hope they love it, share it, and then continue to support our featured purpose for that shipment as well as the organizations we included in the box. My goal is to spread awareness about new ways to purchase with purpose and also be generous to those who need it.

Like us, you help people fundraise. What motivates you to do this?

If I donate what I can to people's needs, that's great, but if I can share that and create a collective group donating, it makes a bigger impact.


You're a mom to one adorable little boy. What difference do you hope Purpose Box will make in his life?

When we (it's definitely a family thing) started Purpose Box, I didn't really have a legacy in mind for him that focused on Purpose Box. However, as we have grown and Purpose Box has helped shape our shopping and spending habits, I hope it will help him become a conscious consumer and leader of his family. As some know, he also was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes the week of his fifth birthday in 2015. Purpose Box was already in full swing at that time, but our family now also has a goal to fundraise for under our own roof. We work with different organizations to fund research for a cure, and now he is full of ideas for fun fundraising on his own as well!

Purpose Box started with your desire to do something. What advice would you give to someone who has this same desire but isn’t sure where to start?

Just do it. I started on my iPhone in the passenger seat of my husband's truck on the way home from the beach. It doesn't have to start with a full-fledged business plan. It can start with a desire to do good.


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