MEET JESSI: A Heart Forever Changed

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 Meet Jessi Wilson: she looked for a way to serve, traveled to Uganda, and learned what true selflessness looks like.

How did you first connect with Amani Baby Cottage?


I had heard of Amani Baby Cottage through multiple people/organizations/etc. But it never occurred to me I would actually be able to serve alongside them until this trip I went on with Go Be Love. I was SO excited when I saw that was a part of our time serving in Uganda, but I had no idea how my life would be changed - my heart will never be the same!

Some of the ways I could personally connect was that I work in pediatrics, and I am an only child, so being around other kids no matter how old - has always been my happy place.

One of the unique things about Amani is their system of having ‘mamas’ for the children and living in a family-like structure. These women commit their lives to loving and serving these children well. What did you learn from them during your term serving alongside them?

These mamas are beyond amazing! They have the most sincere and genuine hearts for these children and really do pour into them every second of the day.

The number one thing I learned from them is their selflessness-- to always give more than you receive. These mamas actually treated us just like they do the kids - with such care!

We helped them in every way we could and they were so involved with us, wanting to know about us and our stories. One of the mamas actually stopped me to pray with me on our last day there about Jesus guiding me in my path of serving and praying for my return back to Uganda.

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 What was the most challenging thing about your time serving there?

The most challenging part for me was honestly the internal struggle God placed on my heart for serving there and knowing that I go back to the US in just twelve short days.

I was very upset to leave, and it felt like a piece of me has remained there with those precious kiddos as I’ve adjusted back to Tennessee.

What did you learn about God’s call for us as believers to care for the widow and orphan from your term serving at Amani?

James 1:27--

Caring for orphans and widows is not just a command in the Bible, but I see it as a blessing to be able to service and give love. It’s a reminder that we all find our trust and hope in our Father Jesus Christ and no matter what we have Him through all things.

I learned from these women that they really do trust God with all things. It’s a typically saying to say “I trust God with my life,” but these women LIVE that saying! I saw it day by day when I would hear their stories and hear how they spoke of every day life. They didn’t go through one day without thanking God for where they were and asking Him for guidance to the next day.


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 Not everyone is able to pick up and go.

What advice would you give for someone who is looking to serve locally

but isn’t sure how to do that or where to start?

I would say start at your local church or if you’re in school, get involved with different ways to serve the community. There are plenty of ways to serve!

Serving can range from childcare, donations, volunteering, or sponsoring. There are many ways to get involved within your own home!

If more interested in wanting to help serve abroad, or with Amani specifically, you can go to and sponsor a child!

Not everyone is called to international missions, and that is so okay! God has formed each of us to have our own purposes and callings, and there is something for all of us.

It’s important to always know serving doesn’t have to be international

and can be within our own hometowns.


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