MEET ETTA: Your Heart Will Long To Go


Meet Etta Jennings, a college student with a desire to serve. She gave her first spontaneous yes, packed her bags, and has been going ever since.

What made you want to go to Haiti?

When people ask me about why I wanted to go to Haiti, I normally smile and give a soft chuckle because Haiti was NOT on my radar at all until about four months before I stepped onto the plane. I was a freshman at Holmes Community College in Grenada, MS, and I recently had befriended a girl in my classes, who by the way I graduated high school with but just never really had a chance to get to know. One day in class, she told me that she had a really cool opportunity to go to Haiti, as an intern with a non-profit organization called Filter Of Hope with her uncle and aunt who were friends with the director. I immediately responded and told her how jealous I was because I had always wanted to go on an overseas mission trip but really did not know where or with whom. The next day she called me and said that if I really wanted to go to Haiti there was one last spot open, and I needed to agree right then so I could secure my spot. Without even thinking about the cost, dangers of not knowing anyone going on this trip, or asking my parents, I quickly said yes! When I hung up the phone, I had no idea what I had just said yes to; however, in that moment I knew that Haiti was the country God had called me to and these were the people He had called me to go with.

You traveled to Haiti three years in a row with an organization called Filter of Hope. How are they working to make a difference in Haiti, and what did you learn through working with them?

Wow! I do not even know where or how to begin to tell you how much of a difference Filter Of Hope is making in Haiti. Filter Of Hope works in four large areas of Haiti: Carries, Montrouis, The Fifth District, and La Gonave. Carries, Montrouis, and The Fifth District are all towns located along the west coast of Haiti in the crook, across from the island La Gonave. La Gonave and The Fifth District are the two poorest areas of Haiti. In both of these areas, families live on less than a dollar a day. There are no schools, hospitals, local stores, or stable jobs for the people who live in these areas. However, there are churches, which is how Filter Of Hope has been able to connect with these specific areas in Haiti. Pastor Bo, Pastor Daniel, Ronnie and their wives are awesome!

Because Filter Of Hope works with a local pastor in each area, it gives them lead way in each community with most of the families because they respect what the pastors are trying to do for them. Because Filter Of Hope works with the pastors, they ask them to select the families who will receive the water filters, so it is not a random house call. Each family who receives a water filter is notified by the pastor a couple of days before so they can make plans to be at home. Once the filters are demonstrated and presented to the families, the pastors continue to make weekly visits to make sure that nothing has broken or been damaged on the filter, which also allows them a way to continue to present the gospel.

The filters that are given to each family are super cool. Each filter is made of hollow fiber membrane, which is the same technology that is used in kidney dialysis and water treatment plants. They are gravity-fed so no electricity or batteries are required, and they are EPA tested to ensure the filtered water surpasses the U.S. Drinking Water Standard. Each filter will filter 150 gallons of water per day, and it will last up to 10 years if cleaned properly and taken care of, and the cool part is they only cost $40.

Each filter that is installed is attached to the family’s own fifty gallon water bucket. When families receive these water filters, their lives are changed forever. Not only do the filters eliminate all bacteria, parasites, junk, and mud from the water, but they are also are an awesome way to share the gospel. Because of these water filters, lives are being saved both physically and spiritually.


Not only did you fundraise to cover the costs of your trip, but you also worked to get over 300 water filters sponsored. What did this teach you about fundraising?

When you are serving the Lord, He always provides, even when you think there is no possible way. The first time I went to Haiti I sent out over one hundred letters to family members, church members, and people within in my community. I remember telling myself that if I just get half of the letters back I would be happy. Little did I know that God’s plans would far exceed mine. Not only did I receive half of my letters back, but I received almost every single one of them back. My mind was blown completely by the miracle God had worked right before my eyes. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that so many people would be so interested in what I was doing. Each year the support has continued to grow more and more, and my mind has continued to be blown. God is faithful, and He will always provide in His perfect timing.

How did you work around the language barrier while serving in Haiti?

When I first went to Haiti, I was super unsure of how I would communicate with the people. I knew that we would have translators, but I wanted to form an intimate personal relationship with the people. All of my fears and worries about how I would communicate with the people quickly faded once I began to interact with the people day in and day out. Love truly is the language that can be spoken around the world. I figured out quickly that it didn’t matter that I couldn’t speak their language or that they couldn’t speak my language. The endless games, giggles, photos, and hugs shared spoke louder than any words that could have been spoken.


What advice would you give to someone who wants to go but isn’t sure where to go or who to go with?

Any advice I’d give to someone considering an opportunity to serve but isn’t quite sure where to go or who to go with would be to pray for the door to be opened. Trust God’s timing. God knows the wants and desires of our hearts, and He will honor them in His timing. Be patient and rest in the peace of knowing that God sees the bigger picture. It’s okay to be afraid or nervous, but don’t allow it to cripple or stop you. Courage does not mean that you wont be afraid; courage means that you don’t let fear stop you. You may also feel unqualified or equipped, but let me remind you that God doesn’t called the equipped; He equips the called. God uses broken people. There are so many things that God has called me to do, and still does, where I feel so unqualified or equipped; nevertheless, He always seems to use me, a broken sinner saved by grace. Trust me, your life will be forever changed, and your heart will long to go.



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