MEET NICOLE SEATH: His plans weren't her plans, but she gave her best yes and realized His plans are always the best plans.
What led you to want to serve in Australia?
Due to COVID-19, several of "my plans"for the summer and fall were cancelled. After I finished stressing out about this, I was reminded that they were never "my plans" in the first place, and the Lord is always faithful. The same day that I had this realization, I found YWAM Wollongong, Australia on social media. I have always had a huge heart for missions, but never thought it was something that I would consider for a more long-term plan. I decided to talk to someone from YWAM to see what it was about and was completely blown away by her heart for the Lord and her heart for the nations. I felt so much peace and comfort from the Lord during and after that phone call. After much prayer and fasting, I decided to give God my "yes" and take a leap of faith to do missions for five months!
While in Australia, you’ll be participating in a Discipleship Training School. What are you hoping to learn through this program?
Through serving with YWAM and participating in Discipleship Training School, I hope to learn more about God's heart for the world while also learning more about Jesus as fully God and fully human. I will be serving locally in Australia and then globally somewhere in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, or Northern Africa targeting unreached people groups. I cannot wait to learn more about how to truly evangelize and make disciples of all nations.

What has serving internationally taught you about yourself?
I have served overseas in Haiti for the past five years, and it has been the most life changing experience. Serving internationally put my faith to action more than it had ever been before. I have learned that I am eager to spread Jesus's love to the nations, and this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
What advice do you have for someone preparing to fundraise?
MONEY SHOULD NOT BE YOUR EXCUSE. My first apprehension to commit to YWAM was that "I would never raise enough money,I didn't know the right people to give", etc. No no no! By the grace ofGod, I raised all of money and then some in about six weeks. Everyone's experience will be different, but you have to remember that you are going to advance the Kingdom of God, and more people believe in that than you realize!! Whether you design a shirt, send out support letters to everyone in your contact list, or sell some old things that you own- the opportunities are endless, and the Lord WILL provide. Don't give up on your calling because you're scared of the finances! God will get you there.

If you could tell the world one thing about serving others through missions, what would you say?
Advancing the Kingdom of God is a gift. Whether you are a goer or a sender, you are needed in this field!!