MEET MACKENNA SIMPSON: with a desire to see God at work and be a light for Him, she helped lead an event to create unity in her community and raise funds for a local organization that benefits battered women and children.
What led to the creation of the Jesus Generation?
The reason for the event was just simply because we wanted God to use us. As high school students (at the time) it was easy for us to be looked past and ignored, but we felt that God needed us to be his light in the community.
What’s one hope you had for the Jesus Generation?
We focused heavily on the topic of unity. Coming from a small town in Georgia, we saw a lot of anger, resistance, and ignorance within the christian community and towards others. Early last summer, we attended our annual students summer camp. Our pastor expressed that as christians, we tend to turn a blind eye on people who need Jesus the most, like Muslims, the homeless community, and the LGBT community. He said that we (the younger generation) can be the generation to lead these people to Jesus!

What did you learn through organizing and leading an event like this?
We all learned that you don’t have to be extravagant for Jesus in order to glorify him. A lot of the times we had to take a step back and rethink our vision. We would sometimes tend to compare ourselves to other ministries and look way too far into the future instead of focusing on the now. We had to think “okay... I want to grow this idea into a larger ministry or church one day, but it’s okay if it doesn’t work out that way.” God will use you in the small or big.
What’s one way you saw Jesus at work through the Jesus Generation?
In Matthew 18 it says that in a place where 2 or more people are gathered in his name, he is with them. On the night of the event I felt God’s presence and I felt him MOVE. I was behind the stage during worship when a friend came and told me that the place was packed out. Tears of joy came streaming down my face and later on when I heard that a couple people from the audience were saved that night.

What advice do you have for someone who’d like to plan something similar in their own community?
If you’re planning on creating an event similar just remember that you can’t please God with your works. Like the Christine Caine once said, “you cannot impress God, but you can amaze him with your supernatural faith.” However big your event is going to be, God will be happy with you.