MEET KATHLEEN FISHER WITH HOPE FOR HUMANS: she's a college girl working to make a difference among the homeless population in Pensacola.
What led to the creation of Hope for Humans?
I believe with all my heart that God has been writing HFH on my heart since I was born. I am a broke college student and was brainstorming ideas of how I can make an impact for Pensacola's homeless neighbors. I designed a website, and God stepped in. Here we are, months in and God has opened so many doors for us. We have raised $3,000+ to be able to hand out hygiene items, necessities, and meals.
You’re a college student. What special challenges have come with trying to start Hope for Humans, and did you persevere through them?
I did have trouble at first of being able to write down my heart and thoughts of the need of helping out in Pensacola. I also had to change plans after an unforeseen circumstance, and I did not understand why then. But now, I see that God was blessing us by making something come up. When things change, I now keep an open mind. God has blessed us so much by being able to serve more than 120 people here. I have seen the pure joy on our neighbors' faces, that will stay with me forever.

How are you hoping to make a lasting difference to the homeless population of Pensacola?
I have been in contact with local sources and groups that have been helping me with answering questions or giving ideas of how we can partner together. I am praying that HFH goes back to Georgia one day, but I pray that God leads someone down here to help me continue this ministry. I believe that God has big plans for HFH.
What advice do you have for someone preparing to fundraise?
I would advise them to not be afraid of charging extra for a good cause, if someone wants to help, they will no matter the cost.
If you could tell the world one thing about homelessness, what would you say?
I would say that addicts and homeless people are much more than a face; they are humans that have a story.