MEET HILLARY: On a Journey to Serve


Meet Hillary Krippaehne, director of student ministries at Community of Hope Church in Wilsonville, Oregon. During her junior year of college,  she studied abroad in Costa Rica, where  she fell in love with living abroad, speaking another language, learning another culture, and seeing how much God taught her when she was pushed outside of her comfort zone and had to lean on Him for everything. Since then, she hopes to share her love for service with others and to encourage the next generation to go, serve, and love others well.  

What was your hope in taking a group of high schoolers to the Dominican Republic?

It was my hope and prayer that the lives of the high school students would be transformed by the Lord as they served abroad.  I wanted them to learn about third world countries and how fortunate we are to have many blessings living in the United States.  I also wanted them to make friends with people in another country.  One of my favorite experiences abroad was making new friends, and that was a big goal of mine for them.   I hoped they would be pushed outside of their comfort zones and see God working in a totally new way.

What do you think are the long-term benefits of high schoolers working and serving in other countries?

There are many long-term benefits of high school students working and serving in other countries.  It gives them a broader view of how people live in other countries.  It helps them gain confidence.  It helps them make connections and friends with people in other countries.  It deepens their faith and helps them learn about the power of prayer.  It gives them a relationship with the Lord that they potentially didn’t have before.  It also bonds members of the youth group together.  They learn how to work in a group and rely on one another.  They also learn how to live a simpler life – one without air conditioning, electricity, and wifi all the time.  High school students (and all of us, really) can be self-centered, so it’s helpful when they are encouraged to give and observe how fortunate they are by experiencing conditions in another country.  It enables them want to continue to do mission trips and serve.


Since returning home from the Dominican Republic, what changes have you seen in yourself and the students who served there?

The students became more confident in volunteering and sharing their faith.  On the trip, I created a devotion book for them to use.  It involved reading passages and connecting Scripture with creativity and art.  One of the girls came home and dove into studying the Bible.  Through the mission trip, she figured out a way that works for her to get to know the Lord better through reading the Bible.  The trip also gave the participants leadership skills.

I became more confident in leading the youth at our church.  After organizing and directing an international mission trip, I feel like I can do anything!  There were moments on the mission trip when I was so exhausted I was not sure I would make it.  I learned that my strength does not come from me, it comes from God.  Now, I know when I am at a breaking point, I need to lean on the Lord to get me through, not on my own human strength.

What are some suggestions you have for someone who is preparing to lead a trip? How do you think they can help prepare the minds and hearts of those they are leading?

It is incredibly important to teach the youth about the culture and history of the country they will be visiting.  Our group met beforehand for a class where I helped prepare their minds and hearts for the trip. The participants needed to know what is culturally appropriate and what is not.  They needed to learn a little bit of the other countries language so they could communicate with the people.  They needed to realize they were not going in to “save” the other people.  I warned them they would be uncomfortable, dirty, and sweaty.  I made them aware it might be too noisy to sleep, and they might not always have electricity.  This helped them prepare mentally for what was to come.  We also worked together on projects and fundraising beforehand.  This helped us get to know one another and build teamwork skills.  Fundraising as a group was a great experience.  The youth were not just given the trip.  They were involved in raising the funds to get themselves there and back.


Some believe high schoolers are too young to really make a lasting impact when serving. What are your thoughts on this?

It is imperative to involve high school and younger students when serving because it strengthens their lives.  Anyone with a willing heart and hands can make an impact where they are serving.  This verse from 1 Timothy comes to mind when people doubt the impact youth and children can make: “Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 states God can use anyone to do big things for His kingdom.  All we need it to do is say yes to His call and step out in faith, trusting He will catch and guide us.


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