MEET EMILY TUVERSON: her plans changed, but HIS did not.
How did the Lord call you to serve in South Asia?
When I was a senior in high school, I was determined that I was going to get my bachelor’s degree in nursing and be a medical missionary in Ethiopia. Well, long story short that didn’t happen, as I am now finishing up my degree in religious studies with a concentration in religion and non-profit leadership at the University of Tennessee (Go Vols!). My parents, at the time, were pretty strict, and weren’t the biggest fans of letting their seventeen year old daughter go to Africa by herself with an organization they were not familiar with. After many prayers, long conversations with my parents, and using the internet to find a Christian missions organization that would take a minor on a trip with them, I found a medical missions trip to South Asia with GHI!
How did you serve while you were there?
While my team was in South Asia, we hosted medical clinics for over 800 people of all ages! My job was to get our patients checked into the clinic and take their vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, pulse, etc.) In addition to doing the medical clinics, we also spent a lot of time at the local orphanage loving on the children, and also had the opportunity to speak at several church services in the country!
What’s one way you saw the Lord at work during your time serving internationally?
One way we saw the Lord at work during our time serving internationally was seeing the locals trusting Him to heal their ailments, as well as trusting Christ with their lives!!

What’s one way serving in another country has altered your perspective?
One way serving internationally has altered my perspective is to not take things for granted, for example: clean water and nutritious foods, the opportunity to go to church and worship Jesus publicly without fear of retaliation, and free public education.
If you could tell the world one thing about serving, what would you say?
If there was one thing I could tell the world about serving it would be this: JUST DO IT! I know taking that initial first step to go can be hard. I know fundraising can be hard. But if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it! As the pastor we stayed with said “God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good!!"