MEET ELLIE: It's a Beautiful Thing

MEET ELLIE HEFLEY: COVID couldn't stop her from finding a way to serve and being blessed while blessing others.

How did the Lord call you to Tijuana ?

God called me to Tijuana on a house build in 2019, actually after the build but it was because of the build. I was journaling on my bathroom floor at about 1am, trying to get all my emotions and thoughts onto paper, and God spoke to my heart and said, “Ellie you have keys to the kingdom and your job is to give them to people.” So now here I am! I’ve been serving in Mexico for the past four months and am headed into month five.

How are you serving while you were there?

I’m currently in a program called Discipleship Training School where the first three months you focus on learning the skills to be a missionary and grow your relationship with God. The last two months are OUTREACH!

I’m currently in Jalisco, Mexico, serving people and being the hands and feet of Jesus. Ministry looks super different in this time of COVID, but Jesus is still alive and moving. Christmas Day, I got to serve in an orphanage, and what a blessing that truly was. My team does evangelism on the streets, hosts church services, builds/construction, basically everything under the sun.

What’s one thing you learned about yourself through serving?

One thing I learned about myself through serving is that I’m not serving through my own ability but Gods ability through me. A huge way I learned this was because I’m in a country that primarily speaks Spanish, and as an English speaker I have to lean on God a lot in my ability to speak Spanish.

What advice do you have for friends and family members who want to love and serve someone who is preparing for a mission trip?

A piece of advice I have for people going into missions short term or long term is one that missions is what you make it. It’s all about your attitude. And the second piece of advice I have is be ready to give up everything for the sake of the gospel. Two years ago I had no idea God would call me into missions long term, and even that thought scared me. But I’ve surrendered for the sake of the gospel, I’ve surrendered my comfort at the feet of Jesus and was met with so much grace and love. It has been so worth it, Gods plan is so much better than our own.

If you could tell the world one thing about serving, what would you say?

Serving is a beautiful thing. For me, it’s a thing that reveals the heart of the Creator for humanity even more. When I serve I can see the heart of God for the people He created and there’s nothing quite like it. It humbles you. It shows you grace and mercy like never before. Serving is being the hands and feet of Jesus.


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