MEET DANIELLE: Time Well Spent

MEET DANIELLE BEASLEY: she spent a summer serving and found her life forever changed.

What led you to serve in El Salvador?

I’ve always had a call for missions. One summer I was given an opportunity to do an internship in El Salvador.

How do you serve while you’re there?

I lead teams all around El Salvador. We did mission evangelism. We went around to schools, churches, homes, and even on the streets. We would play games, do some ministry dances, and then a testimony time.

How have you see the Lord at work while serving?

I’ve seen people healed, miracles, and people dedicating their lives to the Lord.

What’s one thing serving internationally has taught you?

I learned to not take things for granted and to be grateful for the things that I have.

If you could tell the world one thing about international missions, what would you say?

If you’ve never gone overseas for a missions trip before I would highly recommend that you do. It will definitely be life changing!

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