MEET AVERY HEISLER: she had the desire to go and made the most of a change of plans.
What initially led you to want to serve in Haiti?
I have felt God calling me to mission work since my freshman year of high school, I would pray and ask Him where He wanted me to go and serve. When I was a sophomore, I was at a youth conference, and I felt God calling me to look for opportunities to go on a short term mission trip. As I was praying about it, I remembered that my old church had a group of women go to Haiti every year. I started calling people to see if that trip was still happening, and it was! So my plan was that this January I would go to Haiti with them!
How did COVID affect your plans?
Covid-19 has put a lot of things on hold this year, including that trip. Along with political unrest in the part of Haiti we would be in, we are no longer able to travel there for the mission trip. I was pretty sad about it when I realized that I wouldn’t be able to go, but I know that everything will work out for the Glory of the Father.
Last summer I heard about an organization called Ywam (youth with a mission), and I started looking into some of what programs they had, and I found one called Discipleship Training School! I am hoping to be able to attend a DTS after I graduate from high school!

What do you hope that serving with YWAM will teach you about yourself and serving others?
I pray and hope that YWAM will help me continue to strive for a closer relationship with God, help me to be an accurate reflection of Jesus as much as humanly possibly can, and that through YWAM, God will help me to serve and love His children in unexpected ways.
What advice do you have for someone preparing to fundraise?
Fundraising can seem so overwhelming, so the first thing I would do is surrender it all to the LORD!
Second, work with FTN! I love the team so much, and it has been so nice to work with a brand who’s goal is to help further Gods kingdom!
The third thing I would recommend is find a group of people in your church or family and friends that will pray with you and for you!
If you could tell the world one thing about serving others through missions, what would you say?
God has given you these passions and gifts! Use them to expand His kingdom on earth! Go into any trip or experience ready to love with grace and compassion!