MEET AROMA MINISTRIES: Together through the Transitions

MEET KELSEY & RACHAEL FROM AROMA MINISTRIES: the need for community while transitioning into adulthood led to an idea that confirms that we are stronger together.

How did the Lord call you to create Aroma Ministries?

We feel called to care for and lead young women (ages 18-30) as they go through their "adulting" transitions in life. We feel God has put community on our hearts, and He has asked us to go and create safe places for young women to meet to form relationships and learn the plans and ways of God together. We call that space "Aroma". God has placed incredible connections in our hands. We started Aroma over 5 years ago at a local Tim Horton's out of a need that both of our founders Rachael and Kelsey had... to fill the void of losing those high school and youth group friendships and also be there for others who wanted to learn more about God, His Word, His ways, and at the end of the day, just have a lot of fun doing it! Long story short, Aroma now meets weekly with women from all over our region who come together to focus on worship, The Word, rest, and community.

Why do think it’s important for women to regularly join fellowship together?

God has confirmed it to us time and time again that He loves His young women and wants them united and strengthened together and that He wants that happening in more than just where we currently live! Kelsey and Rachael are both licensed ministers through Elim Fellowship and have been strengthened and equipped to encourage and stand for the women of this generation. We know there is a list of reasons and ways that can keep us isolated from other like-minded women as we navigate our 20's, but we firmly believe the Kingdom of God is advanced and life is much more fulfilling when lived in community.

How have you seen the Lord at work through your ministry?

God has blessed us TREMENDOUSLY over the last 2 years in particular. We outgrew our local Tim Horton's and are now a 501c3 ministry. We have a whole team of leaders to help us out and God is opening up the doors for Aroma to expand to other areas outside of the greater Buffalo area. We have young women from all over the region coming out weekly to fellowship and dive deep into the Word. We also are finding a lot of those women have a similar call on their lives; to encourage, teach, and strengthen the body of Christ! God's hand has been on this since day one and we are so honored to be a part of it!

What are some ways others are loving and supporting you well during this process of leading and gathering women?

We have been overwhelmed with the amount of love and support our area churches, pastors, friends, and family have shown for Aroma. Even beyond that, our members are experiencing that other generations love our generation and are no longer looking down on millenials, but rather, calling us higher to take our places in the world of ministry, business, homemaking, healthcare, etc. to fulfill the call that the Lord has placed on our lives as individuals. It's amazing how the darkness flees when the generations join with each other hand-in-hand and cheer each other on through the highs and lows of life. Community is so vital for everyone!

If you could tell the world one thing about creating and maintaining a ministry, what would you say?

The one thing we have learned over the years with Aroma is that if you wait until all the fear, all the worry, and all of the doubts are gone before starting and maintaining a ministry, then you'll never live out the purpose you were meant to fulfill. We encourage you to get out of the dugout and take the first step towards what God wants you to do and you will be so thankful and blessed that you did! Plus, you'll encourage others around you to do the same! The world needs you and your talents, interests, voice, and giftings to spark change, encourage others, and praise His name in whatever capacity that looks like for you.


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